Download Free Music Wallpaper - Wallpapers - Desktop Background - Bands Backgrounds
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- Do I have to pay to post my wallpapers?
No. It's totally free.

- How do I upload my wallpapers?

  1. Register.
  2. Login.
  3. Select the first letter of the band's name from the main page.
  4. Click on the "UPLOAD" button on your top right corner of that band's category. Or click on the "MULTI-UPLOAD" button to upload several wallpapers to the same letter at once.
  5. Don't forget to write the band's name on the "Wallpaper Name" field, just the name nothing else.

- What should I write in the " Image Name" field?
The band's name, nothing else.

- What should I write in the " Description" field?
You must write here whatever you think it is related to the band, like a band member, a live venue...

- Which wallpapers may I upload?
You may upload wallpapers that meet the following requirements:

  1. Max. width: 1280px , Max. height: 1024px (We prefer wallpapers with 1024*768
  2. Wallpaper file size should not be bigger than: 400 Kb

- May I put a tag on my wallpaper?
Yes you can. Write your name, website or email if you want.

-Need more help?
Email us at:

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All Wallpapers are the property of their respective authors. PRIVACY / COOKIES